Do you already know paleo?
Paleo is a method of eating, like in Paleolithic times, which is why Paleo is also known as the “Stone Age Diet”.
Paleo is not a diet, it is a diet with which you can lose weight healthily and with pleasure.
Nathalie Meier-Hottua has been working on this subject for a long time, for her it is a "lifestyle for life".
The execution of Paleo is simple, allowed is everything, that our ancestors before thousands of years to the respective season already hunt, collect, gather and fish could.
integrate this way of life into your daily life.
harmonize with your social obligations.
stay on the path to long-term success.
You can learn more about the Primal/Paleo lifestyle and discover many delicious recipes in his book.
Paleo, the Modern Stone Age Lifestyle, is available in the Online Store.